ENGLISH version is bellow!! 「助けられ上手」になろう〜!! 突然ですが、 みなさん、助けられ上手ですか? そう、助けられ上手とは【受援力】のことなんです! 7月2日、大阪教育大学へ4コマの授業をしに9人のメンバーで行ってきました。メンバーは、すえっち・おけいはん・チョッキ・トミー・チュー太郎・なっちゃん・ぴくる・ポン太・トマトです。 蒸し暑い気候に負けないぐらいこころが燃える1日となりました。コロナ禍でありながら、2年ぶりの授業にドキドキ。ウイルスの感染予防対策を万全にし、今回は対面授業で直接学生さんへ伝えることができました!私たち9人でチームワークを発揮し、新しい挑戦も交えながらベストを尽くすことができたのは、支えてくれた皆さんのおかげです。 現役大学生のトマトちゃんと一緒に準備をし、最近私たちは若手の力を借りるようになりました。アイディアが豊かですごくステキだし、安心して任せていける学生さんたちが夢宙にもたくさん居てくれています。時代の波をつかみながら、進化しつづけるセンターでありたいと思います!もちろん、継続していくことを大切にしながら。新崎先生・山中先生・学生のみなさん、今回も本当にありがとうございます。また笑顔で再会できますように。 Lead on!
Let's be good at being helped! All of a sudden... Do you receive help from others well? Yes, “good at being helped” means having the ability to receive help! On July 2nd, 9 of us went to Osaka Kyoiku University to give a 4-session class. The members were Suetchi, Okeihan, Chokki, Tommy, Chutaro, Natchan, Pikuru, Ponta, and Tomato. The hot and humid weather didn't stop us from having a great day. Even though under the new corona virus pandemic, we were thrilled to attend my first class in two years. We took every precaution to prevent the virus from spreading, and this time we were able to deliver the message directly to the students in a face-to-face class! It was thanks to everyone who supported us that the nine of us were able to show teamwork and do our best while mixing in new challenges. Tomato-chan, a current university student, and we prepared for the event together, and recently we started to ask for help from the younger generation. There are many students in the CIL Muchu who are very nice and have rich ideas, and we can leave them to them without any worries. We’d like to be a center that continues to evolve while grasping the waves of the times! Of course, it is important that we continue to do so. We’d like to thank Prof. Arasaki, Prof. Yamanaka, and all the students again. We hope we can meet again with smiles on our faces. Lead on!
